Wednesday, August 19, 2009

1st Day of School

So, here we are. The first day of school has arrived. It was a very long day! I was up at 5:50 a.m. to cook a real breakfast - bacon, eggs and biscuits. Okay, so my hubby cooked the eggs, but I did the rest. Anyway, the kids ate well, for once, on a school day. Usually, breakfast consists of cereal or a Pop-Tart, but I try to be a good mom at least a couple of times a year. After all of the eating and dressing and gathering of backpacks, we actually got out of the driveway three minutes early. YEA!!! That almost never happens. (I'm one of those people who is late everywhere I go) After dropping off three kids at three different schools, I had the day to myself. Well, I had one kid at home, so practically by myself.
So, what did I do today? I spent some much needed time with my little one. I caught up on laundry and was able to get some sewing done as well. Then, I got to go sit in the school pick-up line for over an hour (again at three different schools). Everyone had a good day. My oldest started middle school today. I was a little concerned about the switching classes, but she made it through unscathed. YEA! My oldest son had a good day but reported that, "someone was mean to me". I asked who was mean to him and finally got the answer that it was "some lady teacher". Apparently he got into trouble for playing in the office chairs in the computer lab. I know they are so much fun to roll around in, but I explained that he shouldn't "play" in them again.
All and all, it was a good day. I guess tomorrow we'll be back to Pop-Tarts.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Here Goes Nothing!

Okay, so here we first post. I always dreamed of being a writer. I even started a few books, but I'm not much of a finisher. So, I thought, since I live in a house full of kids (four, to be exact) and I often talk to myself (as I am the only adult around to talk to during the day), I'd just try this blogging thing. I figure, what's the difference in talking to myself and typing to myself.

This blog will mostly be about my family and our adventures in parenthood. I am the mother of four children, including one with special needs (my son is autistic). I am married to my very best friend and I have a total crush on him. I am a stay at home mom, a school volunteer, and an indie children's wear designer (hence the blog name, also my business name). I love my life.

Speaking of FrouFrouBritches, I started on the first of several Halloween outfits today. It turned out really cute. I just love this Alexander Henry fabric. It looks like little Victorian children dressed up and trick or treating - TOO CUTE!

Okay. It's snack and night night time at my house. We've got to get back on the school schedule - only one more week of freedom. After that, I must indulge myself in my reality TV habit. Big Brother, here I come.
Goodnight all.