For me, it happened in the middle of Wal-Mart. I was walking down the aisle and it hit me right in the face, or the nose, to be more precise. I looked to my left to see an older lady walking by and smiling at me. I was reduced to tears in the middle of Wal-Mart.
All of a sudden, I remembered being in my grandmother's blue Lincoln. She picked me up from school and headed to McDonald's for an after school treat, usually a hot fudge sundae. Then, we were shopping for a wedding dress. Then we were at church. She was sitting right beside me in the pew with her arm around me. It was like she was right beside me if I closed my eyes. Then, as quickly as came, it was gone, leaving me sobbing in the middle of the aisle.
The olfactory sense is a powerful thing. My grandmother wore L'Air Du Temps by Nina Ricci. She wore it for as long as I can remember. It was her signature scent. Anytime I smell it, it takes me back to happy times spent with her. She's been gone for nine years next month and I still can't smell it without crying.
My sweet grandparents.
The smell of fresh shelled peas reminds me of spending time at my aunt's house, where my mom grew up with her grandmother. We would sit on the porch and shell peas or sometimes in front of the TV in the living room, if the soaps were on.
Jovan Wild Musk Oil (I believe is what it's called) reminds me of my mom. I rarely smell it anymore, but when I do, it takes me back to being a little girl, maybe 4, and riding in the car next to my mom. Back before car seats were the law, I would stand beside her when she drove. I still remember the little brown bottle with the little wand in it. It smells like love to me.
The smell of roses always reminds me of my wedding day, the happiest day of my life.
What smells take you back to another time?