Monday, December 13, 2010

Computer Problems

I am having some computer issues. I'll be back as soon as somebody,other than me, can figure out what's going on.


  1. Oh dear...

    I'm having computer issues too. Only, the issue here is that the computer is home and I'm road running.


  2. Oh no!!!!! I am so sorry!!! I am praying a solution comes soon! I know what its like to not be able to work and write! Praying that while you are able to enjoy some time being "unconnected" and time with your family! :D

    Blessings, friend!

    Mary Joy

  3. Oh no! I had that happen a year or so ago. It stinks. Hope you are back in business soon. BTW, my friend Keith was my computer hero. Let me know if you want his contact information!
