Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  How will y'all be celebrating today?  Do you plan to drink lots of green beer?

Maybe celebrate by coloring your waterways green?

Chicago River

As for me, I think I'll don one of these and see if I can get some extra sugar from my Hubby. 

Okay, so I'm not Irish, but I'm pretty sure I'm Scottish  - that's close enough, right? 

So, I'm off to make E some green macaroni and cheese and maybe if I have time, I'll make some of this:

Rainbow Pudding.  Cute huh?  Find the recipe HERE.

Hope y'all have a great St. Patrick's Day.  In closing I would just like to say:

May the best day of your past,
Be the worst day of your future.




  1. Happy St Patrick's Day! We used to live in Chicago and we never made it down town to see the St. Patrick's Day celebration:-(

  2. Happy St. Patty's Day to you, too! I might try to come up with something green to make for today...we'll see! I love that T-shirt...I'm Scotch-Irish, so that would work! Love those rainbow colored desserts! I just might have to give those a try myself. Have a good one, Tanya!

  3. Happy St Patty's Day girlie! I like the shirt idea and I am Irish so maybe I will get lucky! lol

  4. That pudding is so fun! We're not St Pat's celebrators here, except that it's the day Craig and I met!

  5. Savannah does it all up green too. I would love to visit, but it has gotten so rowdy and I've gotten so oldddddddddd....

    Love that rainbow pudding idea.

  6. Happy St. Patrick's Day! There's no celebrating here which is fine by me!

  7. Awe, the rainbow pudding is SO cute!!

    I wore green...and had some Irish Cream creamer in my coffee. Does that count for celebrating?? I'm kinda lame.

  8. Hope you had fun! No green beer for me, but I dressed up, wore a cute clover ring, and pigged out on green treats at work!

  9. That rainbow pudding is so cute! I was out of town for St. Patrick's day, but I did have my green hair flairs!
