Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fall Foliage and Roses

So, I've been an absentee blogger lately.  You see, I used to do the bulk of my blog writing and reading during the day, but I've been working during the day and my Hubby has totally been hijacking the computer every night.  UGH! 

So, today Hubby and I were off to go to J's field trip.  The field trip required a road trip, which gave me a chance to look at some pretty fall foliage. 

I love those pretty red maples.  This picture was taken at a local mall parking lot, as you can tell.  But the tree is pretty.  Meanwhile, in my grown up weed infested flower bed, this is what is growing...

Really?  Is that normal or do my roses just not know what season it is?  Hmmm.  Not sure. 



  1. Going on a field trip sounds like a nice way to spend the day. There's still a touch of color left around here but it won't be too long before that it gone.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I wish I could take a road trip to see the leaves!
    And my roses are blooming again too! Crazy.

  3. I think that what is in order around here is a little fall road trip. I've been feeling caged in or something.

    I'm not sure about that kind of rose. Let's just call her a rebel.

    I do know the knockouts stay really, really late around here. Wouldn't you think I would try to grow some? Nope. Lazy.

  4. I don't have much time to blog, either, Tanya...Chris is on the computer all day long. One day, I'm sure I'll get back in full swing! Your rose is absolutely stunning! I can't seem to grow a rose to save my soul!
