Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cajun Shrimp Pasta

Have you ever been to Copeland's?  I went there with Hubby on date night several months ago - okay like a year ago if you wanna get techinical - anyway, they had this fabulous shrimp pasta dish with cajun alfredo type sauce.  Ever had anything like that?  It's all yummy and gooey with cream and butter and lots of cheesey goodness and it's so good that you can actually feel your butt getting wider with every bite?  Yes, I ate the whole bowl and felt so guilty that I'm pretty sure I had dessert too.  So, I became so obsessed with this bowl full of heaven, that I decided to do my best to recreate it at home with fewer calories than your average alfredo sauce. 

First you need to thaw your shrimp, that is, if you're lazy like me and use the bagged frozen kind like I do - $5.48 at Wal-Mart for the small, deveined with tails off.  I thaw them by putting in a strainer and running cool water on top for a few minutes.  Then I sprinkle with a little cajun seasoning (like Tony Chachere's) and cook very briefly in a frying pan - just until warm because they are already cooked. 

Boil pasta of your choice.  I usually use angel hair - about 2/3 of a box.  Next you need to make a roux (not sure if it's spelled right).  Melt 3 TBSP. butter in a frying pan and add about 2 1/2 Tbsp. flour and stir. 

Now, add a can of fat free evaporated milk and bring to almost a boil on medium.  When it starts bubbling around the corners, add your parmesan cheese, shredded or grated, fresh if possible.  Turn the heat on to low-medium and let the cheese melt.  Add cajun seasoning to taste and a dash of cayanne.  Toss pasta, sauce and shrimp together.  This is the end result.

Okay, so I should've staged it a little better.  Most of the shrimp is hidden under the pasta.  OOPS!  I serve with cheddar garlic biscuits and a salad.  YUM!

I'm linking up to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.


  1. Oh my, this sounds good! I love a delicious, easy recipe like this.

  2. Yum Looks amazing!! I think we need the biscuit recipe too!!

  3. Gonna have to try that!! Do you make your own bisuits from scratch or use the packaged version of cheddar garlic biscuits?

  4. Oh this dish is sooo good! I've had it at some restaurant here in LA before. YUMMYYYY!

  5. Sounds easy and I love prawns or shrimps

  6. That looks amazing!!! Yum yum yum! Do you always make your own cheddar garlic biscuits?

  7. Seafood alfredo is my #1 absolute favorite dish in the whole world. I love it and could eat it every night of the week if it were not so fattening. I'll try this! It would be great to be able to enjoy it more often because you cut out so much of the fattening stuff. I'll be the unique flavor of the cajun season makes up for what you took out.

  8. Looks amazing! I don't care if the shrimp are under the pasta as long as they are there! Yummy!
