Monday, February 22, 2010

The Bunnies Are Attacking!

Yes, it is spring time and Easter is just around the corner.  Angie over at The Happy Homebody has been decorating with her cute bunny stuff.  Her bunny plates are adorable!  BUT, that's not the bunnies I'm referring to (did I just end my sentence in a preposition?  OOPS!).

Okay.  Let me ask you a question.  Where do you think the dust bunnies go to breed?  Apparently, the answer is, behind my couch! 

Seriously, this floor was swept the day before yesterday.  Look what I found behind my couch!  

EEEWWW!  Seriously?  NASTY!  I realize we have three girls with long hair and a dog with short hair, but come on!  God forbid we go away for the weekend and leave them here to breed alone!  They'd attack the family as we walked in the front door before we could even call 911!

Am I the only one dealing with the dust bunny crisis?  Am I the only one stupid brave enough to admit it?  Back me up my bloggy friends!  Is it just me?  Have y'all cornered the market on killing the dust bunnies?  If so, I want to know HOW you do it?  Is there some specialized extermination process that I am not aware of?  Some kind of special broom or dust mop that leaves behind a substance to kill the bunnies as the breed?  OR, are the rest of you, like me, battling the bunnies on a daily basis? 

(IF, I am the only one with the dust bunnies, please do not hesitate to completely forget you ever read this post and please don't hold it against me!)


  1. you are definately not alone! :) let me know when you figure out a cure.

  2. On a completely different "dust bunny subject" I was recently at my ENT for an annual "clean out" because of a long history of ear problems. They were having difficulty in one delicate ear area and I said, "Well, I guess it's just my dust bunnies." I thought it was hilarious...I don't know if the doctor did or not! And no, you are not alone....I have plenty of your little bunny's friends at my house!

  3. I've got their long lost cousins at my house, in case they are wondering about them!!!!!!
    Yes, where DOES all that dust come from?????


  4. Nope. You're not alone. They just. won't. DIE!

  5. Too funny! You are not alone! I just can't seem to figure out where mine come from... even in winter! Where is the dust coming from when everything is covered in snow??

  6. Well, I was actually thinking about this recently. In other homes when I've had hardwood floors, I definitely noticed dust bunnies. I don't really notice them (at least not to the same extent) when I have wall-to-wall carpeting. Which, I realized, doesn't mean they're not there, it just means that the carpet makes them less noticeable, and I should probably be vacuuming way more often than I do!
